Sunday, 4 May 1986: Boredom and Self-Pity Aren’t Pretty

8:00 PM, Figtree Hotel, Nelspruit, eastern Transvaal

Alone again in a hotel room with a bottle of wine and my little Brother typewritter.  This is becoming a recurring pattern. 

The last couple days I’ve become bored riding around looking at tourist attractions with Louise from the South African Tourist Board (SATOUR).  After collecting me this morning at the guest house where I was staying in White River, Louise stopped to pick up a guy with no explanation as to who he was.  I guessed he was her boyfriend.  He appeared to be in his early 20s and had a very short haircut so maybe he is in the military.  They spoke Afrikaans to each other for most of the day and tended to ignore me.

It was unseasonably foggy and rainy, and we drove around looking at waterfalls and a mining town.  I got a few photos but had lost most of my enthusiasm for the tour by the end of the day.  A good tourist I am not.  As a conventional travel writer, I’d be a flop.  I have little interest in the boring stuff in the Sunday travel sections of newspapers, so I can’t imagine how I would get myself motivated to write this kind of material.  

Bridal Veil Falls near Sabie, eastern Transvaal

For me personally, this whole trip is a challenge.  The daily writing helps me maintain some semblance of sanity.  Nights are the worst as I keep having melancholy dreams about my mother who died five years ago, high school and college friends, and my ex-wife.  In the dreams, I am interacting with these people but when I wake up I remember I’ve either lost them or they are no longer part of my life.  I’m a guy without a country, without a home, without a family (except for my eccentric father in Florida), without a career.  I’m not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me.  This is simply my path, and I suppose I have no choice but to embrace it. 


May 1, Crocodile Motel, Nelspruit


What else would I do now?  Go back to the USA?  Where would I go?  To San Diego to live with my ex- (we are still on good terms) although I wonder how our lives would mesh in any meaningful way?  Back to Colorado?  Certainly I have good friends there, but I had become bored with the life I was living there.  And what the fuck am I going to do after next March, at the latest, when my South African visa expires and this little adventure ends?  I can’t imagine going back to a regular office job for any length of time.  College teaching is out as there are no good jobs given my lack of a Ph.D.  Environmental consulting work is probably out as it appears the market has dried up.  And forget going back to magazine editing, a long story that I’m not going to get into right now.  Suppose I’ll figure out something, even if it’s in Timbuktu. 



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